Premium Decals *** Any Canon Faction - 1000+ options *** | Battletech Premium Decals


Spend $270.20 and get 20% off your order
Shipping to United States: $9.58

Please choose ANY canon faction !

Our premium decals are produced on high-end professional printers (CMYKW LED machines) using high quality medium.
All the colours have an underlayer of white ink, they are therefore not translucent and will stay vibrant against any paint schemes.

Each sheet is comprised of:
- 4x 10mm decals
- 12x 8mm decals
- 21x 6mm decals
- 24x 5mm decals
- 30x 4mm decals
- 45x 3mm decals

How to get the best out of our waterslide decals
Our Premium Decals with white ink underlayer: they can be applied to any paint scheme, even dark ones, without a white undercoat on the mini. They can also be cut loosely around the shape as the substrate is clear.
- Cut the decal from the sheet
- Soak it in water until you can slide it from the backing paper with your finger but not so much as it detaches by itself from the paper; if you leave it in water for too long the starch substrate dissolves too much and the decal loses its integrity
- Transfer the decal from your finger onto the mini
- Use a cotton bud (or QTip) to adjust the decal precisely in position and remove the excess water
- Once the water is mostly evaporated but the decal is still moist, dab it carefully (and orthogonally) with a QTip soaked in Microsol solution to "melt" the decal in place
- Let it dry
- Finally, spray a clear coat of varnish

More than 1000 options available
Some of the options available :

Clan Blood Spirit
Clan Cloud Cobra
Clan Cloud Cobra - Beta Galaxy
Clan Cloud Cobra - Zeta Galaxy
Clan Coyote
Clan Diamond Shark
Clan Diamond Shark - Alpha Galaxy
Clan Diamond Shark - Sigma Galaxy
Clan Ghost Bear
Clan Ghost Bear - 3rd Bear Guards
Clan Ghost Bear - Alpha Galaxy
Clan Ghost Bear - Beta Galaxy
Clan Ghost Bear - Omicron Galaxy
Clan Ghost Bear - Rho Galaxy
Clan Ghost Bear - Tau Galaxy
Clan Hell's Horses
Clan Hell's Horses - Alpha Galaxy
Clan Hell's Horses - Alpha Keshik
Clan Hell's Horses - Delta Galaxy
Clan Hell's Horses - Fire Galaxy
Clan Hell's Horses - Iota Galaxy
Clan Hell's Horses - Omega Galaxy
Clan Hell's Horses - Omega Keshik
Clan Hell's Horses - Zeta Galaxy
Clan Jade Falcon
Clan Jade Falcon - 1st Falcon Sentinels
Clan Jade Falcon - 4th Falcon Velites
Clan Jade Falcon - 12th Falcon Regulars Cluster
Clan Jade Falcon - 89th Falcon Striker
Clan Jade Falcon - 94th Striker
Clan Jade Falcon - Alpha Galaxy
Clan Jade Falcon - Delta Galaxy
Clan Jade Falcon - Epsilon Galaxy
Clan Jade Falcon - Falcon Claws
Clan Jade Falcon - Falcon Guards
Clan Jade Falcon - Gamma Galaxy
Clan Jade Falcon - Rho Galaxy
Clan Jade Falcon - Turkina Keshik
Clan Jade Falcon - Vau Galaxy
Clan Mongoose
Clan Nova Cat
Clan Nova Cat - 44th Nova Cat Cavaliers
Clan Nova Cat - Alpha Galaxy
Clan Nova Cat - Provisional Xi Galaxy
Clan Protectorate
Clan Sea Fox
Clan Sea Fox - iLKhanate
Clan Sea Fox - Spina Khanate
Clan Sea Fox - Tiburon Khanate
Clan Smoke Jaguar
Clan Smoke Jaguar - 367th Battle Cluster
Clan Smoke Jaguar - Alpha Galaxy
Clan Smoke Jaguar - Beta Galaxy
Clan Smoke Jaguar - Epsilon Galaxy
Clan Smoke Jaguar (MW5 LoViz)
Clan Snow Raven - Beta Galaxy
Clan Star Adder
Clan Steel Viper
Clan Steel Viper - Alpha Galaxy
Clan Stone Lion
Clan Widowmaker
Clan Widowmaker - Beta Galaxy
Clan Wolf
Clan Wolf - 4th Striker Cluster
Clan Wolf - Alpha Galaxy
Clan Wolf - Beta Galaxy
Clan Wolf - Brown Keshik
Clan Wolf - Delta Galaxy
Clan Wolf - Gamma Galaxy
Clan Wolf - Golden Keshik
Clan Wolf - Green Keshik
Clan Wolf - Iota Galaxy
Clan Wolf - Kappa Galaxy
Clan Wolf - Omega Galaxy
Clan Wolf - Silver Keshik
Clan Wolf - Tau Galaxy
Goliath Scorpion
Rasalhague Dominion

Com Guards - 1st Army
Com Guards - 2nd Army
Com Guards - 2nd Army (Tukayyid)
Com Guards - 3rd Army
Com Guards - 4th Army (Tukayyid)
Com Guards - 5th Army (Tukayyid)
Com Guards - 6th Army
Com Guards - 7th Army
Com Guards - 10th Army
Com Guards 77th Division
Comstar Classic
Comstar HBS

Word of Blake
Word of Blake - 49th Shadow Division
Word of Blake - 52nd Shadow Division
Word of Blake - Opacus Venatori

Capellan Confederation - 1st Capellan Defense Force
Capellan Confederation - 1st Liao Dragoons - Kincades Rangers
Capellan Confederation - 1st St Ives Lancers
Capellan Confederation - 1st Victoria Rangers
Capellan Confederation - 2nd Ariana Fusiliers
Capellan Confederation - 3rd Confederation Reserve Cavalry
Capellan Confederation - 4th Tau Ceti Rangers
Capellan Confederation - 15th Dracon
Capellan Confederation - Andurien Hussars
Capellan Confederation - Capellan Brigade
Capellan Confederation - Capellan Chargers
Capellan Confederation - Citizens Honored
Capellan Confederation - Death Commandos
Capellan Confederation - Harlocks Raiders
Capellan Confederation - Holdfast Guard
Capellan Confederation - House Liao
Capellan Confederation - Liao Guards
Capellan Confederation - Liao Lancers
Capellan Confederation - MAC - 1st MAC
Capellan Confederation - MAC - 2nd MAC
Capellan Confederation - MAC - 3rd MAC (CLASSIC)
Capellan Confederation - MAC - 3rd MAC (NEW)
Capellan Confederation - MAC - 4th MAC
Capellan Confederation - MAC - 5th MAC
Capellan Confederation - MAC - McCarron Armored Cav
Capellan Confederation - Prefectorate Guard
Capellan Confederation - Sian Dragoons
Capellan Confederation - St Ives Armored Cav
Capellan Confederation - St Ives Janissaries
Capellan Confederation - Tau Ceti Lancers
Capellan Confederation - Tikonov Guards
Capellan Confederation - Vincent s Commandos
Capellan Confederation - Warrior House Dai Da Chi
Capellan Confederation - Warrior House Fujita
Capellan Confederation - Warrior House Hiritsu
Capellan Confederation - Warrior House Ijori
Capellan Confederation - Warrior House Kamata
Capellan Confederation - Warrior House LuSann
Capellan Confederation - Warrior House Matsu Kai
Capellan Confederation - Warrior House White Tiger
Draconis Combine - Amphigean LAG - 3rd Amphigean LAG
Draconis Combine - Amphigean LAG - 5th Amphigean LAG
Draconis Combine - An Ting Legion Brigade
Draconis Combine - Arkab Legion - 1st Arkab Legion
Draconis Combine - Arkab Legion - 2nd Arkab Legion
Draconis Combine - Arkab Legion - 6th Arkab Legion
Draconis Combine - Arkab Legion Brigade
Draconis Combine - Benjamin Regulars - 3rd Benjamin Regulars
Draconis Combine - Benjamin Regulars - 6th Benjamin Regulars
Draconis Combine - Benjamin Regulars Brigade
Draconis Combine - Buckminster Planetary Militia
Draconis Combine - Dieron Regulars - 3rd Dieron Regulars
Draconis Combine - Dieron Regulars Brigade
Draconis Combine - Dragons Fury
Draconis Combine - Galedon Regulars - 5th Galedon Regulars
Draconis Combine - Galedon Regulars Brigade
Draconis Combine - Genyosha
Draconis Combine - Ghost Regiments - 6th Ghost Regiment
Draconis Combine - House Kurita
Draconis Combine - Izanagi Warriors
Draconis Combine - Legion of Vega
Draconis Combine - Legion of Vega (Takashi)
Draconis Combine - Nightslakers - 2nd Nightstalkers
Draconis Combine - Nightslakers - 3rd Nightstalkers
Draconis Combine - Rasalhague Regulars - 8th Rasalhague Regulars
Draconis Combine - Rasalhague Regulars - 13th Rasalhague Regulars
Draconis Combine - Rasalhague Regulars Brigade
Draconis Combine - Ryuken Brigade
Draconis Combine - Ryuken Go
Draconis Combine - Ryuken Ni
Draconis Combine - Sword of Light - 1st Sword of Light
Draconis Combine - Sword of Light - 2nd Sword of Light
Draconis Combine - Sword of Light - 5th Sword of Light
Draconis Combine - Sword of Light - 7th Sword of Light
Draconis Combine - Sword of Light - 8th Sword of Light
Draconis Combine - Sword of Light Brigade
Draconis Combine - Sword of Light Regiments (Layout)
Federated Commonwealth
Federated Suns - 1st Argyle Lancers
Federated Suns - 1st Armored Cavalry
Federated Suns - 1st Capellan Dragoons
Federated Suns - 1st Kathil Ulhans
Federated Suns - 1st Kathil Ulhans (Classic)
Federated Suns - 1st Kestrel Grenadiers
Federated Suns - 2nd Ceti Hussars
Federated Suns - Arcadian Cuirassiers
Federated Suns - Avalon Hussars
Federated Suns - Capellan March Militia
Federated Suns - Crucis Lancers - 1st Crucis Lancers
Federated Suns - Crucis Lancers - 2nd Crucis Lancers
Federated Suns - Crucis Lancers - 3rd Crucis Lancers
Federated Suns - Crucis Lancers - 4th Crucis Lancers
Federated Suns - Crucis Lancers - 5th Crucis Lancers
Federated Suns - Crucis Lancers - 6th Crucis Lancers
Federated Suns - Crucis Lancers - 7th Crucis Lancers
Federated Suns - Crucis Lancers - 8th Crucis Lancers
Federated Suns - Crucis Lancers - Brigade
Federated Suns - Crucis March Militia
Federated Suns - Davion Guards - 1st Davion Guards
Federated Suns - Davion Guards - 2nd Davion Guards
Federated Suns - Davion Guards - 3rd Davion Guards
Federated Suns - Davion Guards - Brigade
Federated Suns - Davion Guards - Davion Assault Guards
Federated Suns - Davion Guards - Davion Heavy Guards
Federated Suns - Davion Guards - Davion Light Guards
Federated Suns - Davion Guards Layout
Federated Suns - Deneb Light Cavalry - 3rd Deneb Light cavalry
Federated Suns - Deneb Light Cavalry - 4th Deneb Light Cavalry
Federated Suns - Deneb Light Cavalry - 8th Deneb Light Cavalry
Federated Suns - Draconis March Militia
Federated Suns - House Davion
Federated Suns - Knights Defensor
Federated Suns - McKinnon's Raiders - The Fox's Teeth
Federated Suns - Tancredi Loyalists
Free Rasalhague Republic
Free Rasalhague Republic - 1st Tyr
Free Rasalhague Republic - 3rd Kavalleri
Free Rasalhague Republic - 4th Drakons
Free Rasalhague Republic - Gunzburg Eagles
Free Rasalhague Republic - Kavalleri Brigade
Free Rasalhague Republic (Teal)
Free Worlds League - 4th Marik Protectors
Free Worlds League - Andurien Rangers
Free Worlds League - Atrean Dragoons - 1st Atrean Dragoons
Free Worlds League - Atrean Dragoons - 11th Atrean Dragoons
Free Worlds League - Atrean Dragoons Brigade
Free Worlds League - Covenant Guards
Free Worlds League - Eagle's Talons
Free Worlds League - Free Worlds Guards - 1st Free Worlds Guards
Free Worlds League - Free Worlds Guards - 2nd Free Worlds Guards
Free Worlds League - Free Worlds Legionnaires - 5th Free Worlds Legionnaires
Free Worlds League - House Marik (Classic)
Free Worlds League - House Marik (HBS)
Free Worlds League - Marik Militia - 1st Marik Militia
Free Worlds League - Marik Militia - 10th Marik Militia
Free Worlds League - Marik Militia Brigade
Free Worlds League - Oriente Hussars - 2nd Oriente Hussars
Free Worlds League - Oriente Hussars - 6th Oriente Hussars
Free Worlds League - Oriente Hussars Brigade
Free Worlds League - Regulan Hussars - 1st Regulan Hussars
Free Worlds League - Regulan Hussars Brigade
Free Worlds League - Rolling Thunder Company
Free Worlds League - Silver Hawk Irregulars
Free Worlds League - Tamarind Regulars
Lyran Alliance
Lyran Commonwealth - 1st Sommerset Strikers
Lyran Commonwealth - Arcturan Guards - 17th Arcturan Guards
Lyran Commonwealth - Arcturan Guards - 20th Arcturan Guards
Lyran Commonwealth - Arcturan Guards - 25th Arcturan Guards
Lyran Commonwealth - Arcturan Guards Brigade
Lyran Commonwealth - House Steiner
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Guards - Brigade
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Guards - 2nd Lyran Guards
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Guards - 3rd Lyran Guards
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Guards - 5th Lyran Guards
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Guards - 6th Lyran Guards
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Guards - 10th Lyran Guards
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Guards - 11th Lyran Guards
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Guards - 14th Lyran Guards
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Guards Regiments (Layout)
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Regulars - 3rd Lyran Regulars
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Regulars - 4th Lyran Regulars
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Regulars - 5th Lyran Regulars
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Regulars - 7th Lyran Regulars
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Regulars - 8th Lyran Regulars
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Regulars - 9th Lyran Regulars
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Regulars - 10th Lyran Regulars
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Regulars - 11th Lyran Regulars
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Regulars - 15th Lyran Regulars
Lyran Commonwealth - Lyran Regulars Brigade
Lyran Commonwealth - Royal Guards - 3rd Royal Guards
Lyran Commonwealth - Skye Rangers Brigade
Lyran Commonwealth - Tamar Jagers
Lyran Commonwealth - Tamar Pact
Lyran Commonwealth - Winfield's Regiment
St Ives Compact

12th Vegan Rangers
17th Recon - Camacho's Caballeros
Avanti s Angels
Bad Dream
Barrett's Fusiliers
Blue Star Irregulars
Crater Cobras
Crescent Hawks
Eridani Light Horse
Eridani Light Horse - 71st Light Horse Regiment
Fighting Intellectuals
Fox Patrol
Fuchida's Fusiliers
Gray Death Legion
Griffin's Pride
Grim Determination
Head hunters
Kell Hounds
Little Richards Panzer Brigade
Nicks Cavaliers
Northwind Highlanders - 1st Kearny Highlanders
Northwind Highlanders - 2nd Kearny Highlanders
Northwind Highlanders - McLeods Regiment
Northwind Highlanders - Northwind Hussars
Northwind Highlanders (New)
Northwind Highlanders (Pre 4SW)
Northwind Highlanders (RoTS)
Pitcairn Legion (Classic)
Pitcairn Legion (Simplified)
Steel Wolves
Stone's Trackers
Team Banzai
The Red Hunter
White Witches
Wilson's Hussars
Wolf Hunters
Wolf's Dragoons
Wolf's Dragoons - Black Widow Company
Wolf's Dragoons - Black Widow Company (White BG)

1st Filtvelt Citizens Militia
Alyina Mercantile League
Brotherhood of Randis
Escorpion Imperio
Fronc Reaches - Colonial Marshals
Magistracy of Canopus
Magistracy of Canopus - 1st Canopian Cuirassiers
Magistracy of Canopus - 1st Canopian Lancers
Magistracy of Canopus - 1st Canopian Light Horse
Magistracy of Canopus - 3rd Canopian Curassiers
Magistracy of Canopus - 3rd Canopian Light Horse
Magistracy of Canopus - 4th Canopian Light Horse
Magistracy of Canopus - Canopian Fusilliers
Magistracy of Canopus - Canopian Royal Guards
Magistracy of Canopus - Chasseurs a Cheval
Marian Hegemony
Marian Hegemony - IV Legio
Outworlds Alliance
Outworlds Alliance - Alliance Borderers
Raven Alliance
Rim Worlds Republic - 5th Amaris Fusiliers
Rim Worlds Republic
Scorpion Empire
Taurian Concordat
Taurian Concordat - 1st Taurian Lancers
Taurian Concordat - Concordat Commandos
Taurian Concordat - Concordat Jaegers
Taurian Concordat - Pleiades Hussars
Taurian Concordat - Red Chasseurs
Taurian Concordat - Taurian Guards
Tortuga Fusilliers
Vesper Marches
Band of the Damned

ROTS - Brannson's Raiders
ROTS - Dawn Guards
ROTS - Hastati Sentinels
ROTS - Knights Errant
ROTS - Knights of the Republic of the Sphere
ROTS - Republic of the Sphere

Star League
Star League - Royal Black Watch Regiment
Star League - SLDF I Corps

Shipping from France

Processing time

1-3 weeks

Customs and import taxes

Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. I'm not responsible for delays due to customs.

Payment Options

Secure options
  • Accepts Etsy gift cards

Returns & Exchanges

I gladly accept cancellations

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This Privacy Policy describes how and when Defiance Industries Wargaming collects, uses, and shares information when you purchase an item from us, contact us, or otherwise use our services through or its related sites and services.

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The best place to get waterslides for Battletech

Decals are beautiful and well made. Very easy to use. Defiance continues to exceed expectations even with the holidays messing up deliveries.

I'm buying my Battletech decals for all my factions from xDefianceIndustries by now. Great Quality.

No issues with order, transfers came out fine. Seller is understanding and willing to work with you if have any issues, highy recommened.

Great decals, definitely plan on getting more in the future!

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